About me

I like to say to people that in my previous life I was a solicitor, financial adviser and CAB volunteer adviser. No, I dont believe I have been reincarnated! Its just that my career has taken me in a number of different directions, partly driven by having children, and divorce!! I still do a little consultancy legal research, but my time is now very taken up with a different type of research – and I have to say, it is a lot more interesting…..

A few years ago, as a result of buying DNA testing kits for my Dad and my partner, I started delving into family tree research and really got hooked. Having spent a great deal of my career researching one thing or another, I finally found an area of research that was fascinating and really appealed to the historian and would be detective in me.

After taking my Family Tree as far back as I possibly could through online resources, I started on my partner’s family tree, and basically anyone else I knew who wanted to learn about the history of their family roots. I am now pursuing this as a cottage industry, beavering away online for people who hire my services to do the digging for them. And at the end, I provide them with a Family Tree which can often go back to the 1700s, and a Family History Report fleshing out the tree, including all the interesting information I have discovered along the way. This usually includes copies of census documents, baptism records, workhouse entries, newspaper articles and gravestones.

Every family story is unique, and with each project I undertake, I discover historical details and experiences I have never before encountered.

[email protected]

Sharon Else BA(Oxon), DipFA
